Author/ Creator: Johnny Noble URL: [Johnny Decimal]( Take everything you need to organise (like this vault, for example) and sort it into 10 large buckets. Make sure these are definitely distinct and then label them. These are **Areas**, Could be something like *Finance* or *House & Home* or *Being an Adult*. These group things broadly & then within those you create **categories**. Divide each bucket into 10 smaller buckets. So to use the *Being an Adult* area we could have: - cooking - cleaning - DIY - time management - Work - CV - Work - Skills and so on. Each of these areas would have a range, categories get specific numbers. Eg: 10-19: Being an Adult 11 - cooking 12 - cleaning 13 - work - cv So we'd know if we saw 17, then it's something to do with being an adult, but 42 definitely doesn't belong there. Next step is adding the rest of the numbers. Before the . is the category and after is the ID (think the first row of a database being the ID.) The ID is just a counter, like 12.15 is the fifteenth thing you've saved in the 12 area. This saves time - "12.13 is the cleaning bathroom bit, check in there". ![[Pasted image 20211023180520.png]] JD System Generator: ![[Pasted image 20211023181451.png]] ![[Pasted image 20211023181509.png]]